the Website of Plantlists

Privacy Policy

February 12, 2019

The words this website refer to the website you are now using.

A purpose of this website is to make plant lists publicly available and easy to find. When you enter location information and click the Make Public button you are placing that information in the public domain. When you enter a plant list and click the Assign Location button you are placing that plant list in the public domain. The words your public information refer to these two types of information that you have made public.

Your public information can be used by others without your permission. Your public information can be used without giving you or this website credit. Making this information public promotes its use and allows information from many plant lists to be used together without the burden of attribution.

We may use your public information to improve the Wildflower Search website. One purpose of the Wildflower Search website it to show you the plants that can be found at a location. When that location matches a location of a plant list in this website the Wildflower Search website may use that plant list. This will improve the ability of the Wildflower Search website to show you the plants that are found at that location.

We do not make available to other people the location information that you have entered without clicking the Make Public button. We do not make available to other people the plant list information that you have entered but not assigned to a public location.

This website uses a Google service that allows you to log in. Google provides to us only two pieces of information when you have logged in. We can see the Google email address that you used when logging in. We are also given a user number which we use, internally, to keep track of your plant lists and location data. We may contact you using your email address. We may contact you if we see problems with your public information. We may contact you if we see problems with your activity. We may contact you if we think this might be helpful to you. We will not provide your email address to others without your permission. You may give us this permission in your profile page.

This website does not make use of cookies or other tracking devices. Google may use some tracking mechanism to remember that you have logged into your browser. Google also keeps a log of activity that has occured on this website. We may use the log to discover when our website has crashed. We may use the log to see the nature of the activity on this website.

You may provide to us a name of your choosing. We will use that name with your public information making it possible for people to give credit to you. We may also use that name to give credit to you for the quantity and/or quality of your public information.

Who owns plant lists?
Plant lists are a collection of facts. The facts are not copyrightable. However, some aspects of the collection, such as the style in which the information is presented can be copyrighted. But the facts, the species that were found, can not be copyrighted. All people are free to use the facts in a plant list in preparing future works so long as the work does not feature the same selection and arrangement. Obvious arrangement of facts such as an alphabetical list can not be copyrighted.

The purpose of this website
The purpose of this website is to make it easy for people to post plant lists, to make it easy for other people to find the plant lists that have been posted and to encourage people to use this data.

A motive we have is to use the plant lists posted on this website to improve the performance of the Wildflower Search website.

a flower

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