the Website of Plantlists

Terms of Use

January 31, 2019

The words this website refer to the website you are now using.

You may use this website only if you have read and agree to all of these terms.

This website is provided as is. It may malfunction. Data may be lost. It may cease to exist. Some of the data on this website will contain errors. There may be other problems. Naturally, we don't want any of these things to happen. But such things happen.

You will not use this website for any unlawful purpose. This includes attempting to damage this website. This includes placing information on this website in violation of copyright law.

This website contains information that is protected under copyright law. You agree not use this information except with the proper permission.

The location information and plant lists that you post on this website will be examined by computer algorithms and by system administrators. When problems are found we may contact you. We may place a hold on your information, keeping it from being public. We may place a hold on your account so that it can no longer be used. Although we do monitor the quality of the data placed on this website we are not responsible for the quality of the content.

Most Terms of Use are so long that people never read them. And they are written using legal language that makes them hard to read.

Here, we try to make our Terms of Use short enough and readable enough so that many people will actually read all of it.

shooting star

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